Monday, April 30, 2012

My Return

Hi all! I've been away for almost two years since my last post! Time really flies. Alot has changed since then besides my weight. The only constant in life is change! Well, what made me start posting again? My good friend from primary school told me to share some of the health tips that I've been sharing with her. She found it useful and said that it would benefit others if I wrote a blog about it. So here I am, with my humble contributions, I hope you will find it useful. What I am reading: Healthy at 100 By John Robbins How you can - at any age- dramatically increase your life span and your health span Are you wondering if it's related to my new blog title "Pink at 100"? Yes :) I'm sure you've heard of the phrase "pink of health", so, as my blog is focused on health, I'm renaming my blog "Pink at 100"! That is also my aim, to live healthily and passionately till I'm 120. Why 120? The Bible says that man shall live till the age of 120. I believe if that is God's promise for us, we got to claim it and believe it! Also, one person in my life who has impacted me the most is my grandma. She's currently 91, and going strong. She does at least one hour of exercise (walking and stretching) a day, five times a week. I'll share more about her in the days to come :) If I encounter any interesting or controversial topics relating to health that I think will benefit you, I'll post it up here too. Any feedback or comments, please feel free! If you are interested in weight loss the natural way, I will also post up interesting insights about that as well. I've shed successfully 10 kilos to date and maintaining it. It might not be a big number, but I've learnt some lessons along the way which I think might be useful for you, if you are trying to lose some excess weight. Last but not least, I might be sharing some food recommendations or my food diary so you can have an idea what to expect. I'll tweak topics along the way. I might even share some recipes for those who are keen in trying to prepare their own meals! Health TIP of the day: Try eating 70% full. Most of the restaurant's portions are huge and at fast food places it is so easy to upsize! It's very easy to over eat. Try to cut your portions visually, and chew your food thoroughly and slowly. The brain takes more than 20 minutes to register its stomach is full. Start by halving your starchy carbs, eat more fresh veggies. :)