Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ups & Downs

I haven't blogged for more than 2 weeks! In that two weeks, I got good results to share! Now I am weighed in at 64.2KG & I can say that the momentum has kicked in. I am not struggling as much to choose healthier options & to eat lesser. I must say, you have to form the habit of eating healthy. And once you have experienced the benefits, you will be more inclined to stick with healthier choices. I have felt my clothes feeling loose, especially my dress, my pants. And when I went to buy bras, I'm down 1 size. It's a good thing, although women prefers to keep their bosom and lose the fat everywhere else! I'm Ok though, seriously, I don't mind having smaller bosom, it wouldn't be so troublesome to choose my shirts. :)

I ran a 10km route with my friend last Sunday, and it was totally tiring!!! actually I ran about 12 km in total. But still! I have a 42 km to run in about 5 weeks!!!!!! goodness. I really pray that I can finish the race in one piece.

Monday, October 12, 2009

little update

Last Week was quite a good week, I ate clean foods, fruits, wholemeal bread with grilled chicken and no dressing.... week before last was like.. uh oh. so kinda lost the excess of the 1 kg I put on the week before. So i'm back to 65.8kg, previous week was like 66.7kg (!!!). overall weight loss since I've started weight training is approximately 2 kgs.

And! My father has started to go to the gym with me : - ) ! hope that this will help him lower his cholestrol levels & improve his overall health. He needs to get healthy! I convinced him, that at 58, he still has another 40 - 50 years ahead of him, he can live it well.

I noticed my eating patterns are related to stress & once I 'trip' I kinda trip all the way. and I cannot have snack foods around me at all, otherwise, it's being 'flushed' down my mouth.. yeah, at least for now, I cannot have snacks placed around me at all. And, no watching tv & munching chips at the same time!!! that's my weakness. I think the trick is, that to keep on eating small portions of fruit/ healthy snacks so you don't get hungry & guffaw too much food at one go.

my friend told me to have a bad image to associate with fatty foods / bad food (unhealthy foods). So i've decided to link the image of me fitting into my pair of jeans that's too tight for me to like for example chips or chocolate cake. ..... going to keep my hands off them!!

and meantime! i'm looking to finish this marathon in 7 mths.. by March 2010, I hope I will be a new me!