Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ups & Downs

I haven't blogged for more than 2 weeks! In that two weeks, I got good results to share! Now I am weighed in at 64.2KG & I can say that the momentum has kicked in. I am not struggling as much to choose healthier options & to eat lesser. I must say, you have to form the habit of eating healthy. And once you have experienced the benefits, you will be more inclined to stick with healthier choices. I have felt my clothes feeling loose, especially my dress, my pants. And when I went to buy bras, I'm down 1 size. It's a good thing, although women prefers to keep their bosom and lose the fat everywhere else! I'm Ok though, seriously, I don't mind having smaller bosom, it wouldn't be so troublesome to choose my shirts. :)

I ran a 10km route with my friend last Sunday, and it was totally tiring!!! actually I ran about 12 km in total. But still! I have a 42 km to run in about 5 weeks!!!!!! goodness. I really pray that I can finish the race in one piece.

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