Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Stats! Numbers tell all.

My Personal Stats: (as taken on 24th September 2009)

- Waist 98.5cm ie 38.7inches (!!!!!)
- Right Inner Thigh 57cm ie 22 inches
- Left Inner Thigh 58cm ie 22.8 inches
- Left Arm 31 cm ie 12 inches
- Right Arm 31.5cm 12.4 inches
- Chest 99cm ie 38.9inches

My Maximum Heart rate is 220 minus your age.. my age is 27 so that equals to 193. To burn fat, you got to work out at lower intensities. between 115 to 164 beats per minute. Work between 65% - 85% of your maximum heart rate ( To burn more fat, work between the lower intensity of the bracket.

Training on the upper body

I went for a PT session today, and my trainer says my upper body strength is very weak as I cannot do some basic push ups without my entire body trembling. She encouraged me to train the upper body by doing strengthening exercises. I searched the net for some work outs that might help you too!

I did some weights today to train on my obliques, and my back. I also rowed on the machine 500 m x 2 on a speed of 35m/s and above. It's tough, it got me breathless! Also, I did a 'V' shape abdominal exercise by grabbing a fitball between my legs and transferring them to my arms. Gosh, my legs also giving way.

I went to buy a K-Swiss jogging shoe today at Running Lab. The assistant, Jordan, was very helpful. I went to the Novena Square branch. Running lab had a treadmill at the store. Jordan observed my footwork when I walked & jogged. He recommended a shoe that support on my lower arch. Moderate Stability or something to that effect. I can't really recall. Gosh!! Anyhow, he convinced me to buy a white coloured jogging shoe... hmm.. he's a really good sales person! haha. Anyhow, here's the shoe stats:

I also bought some socks that had mostly nylon/polyester material as I used to get blisters on my last toe when I run and also, I bought toe socks for better running comfort.

Went to Fila and bought some sports apparel & to another shop at Novena Square to buy some exercise pants. Wanted to buy a foot pod from Nike but the shop didn't sell it. Aiming to close my next business deal so I can invest in a GPS polar watch... more on that tomorrow..

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

My weight loss diary

I decided to create a blog for my weight loss journey, as I hope my journey will inspire people around who are trying to do the same. I have been struggling to lose weight since God knows when. It's a vicious cycle - you try, you falter, you sink into 'depression' and you get bigger, then you try again & the cycle continues. I decided I had enough.

I have just signed up with a personal trainer last week.

My current weight stands at 67kgs and I am 1.57m. The statistics that my trainer tells me is that I have 40% fat. The ideal female body fat percentage (healthy range) is between 18% - 23%. (

I need to lose at least 15 kgs.

My target weight would be 48-52kgs, depending how I look when I get there.

Please support me on this journey!