Thursday, January 28, 2010

It's a journey

Weight loss is NOT instant. We have fast food , drive through , instant noodles but we can't have instant weight loss. As much as those advertisers promise pain free stress free fuss free solutions to your problem, there is absolutely NO such thing!

Through the process of discipling ourselves we develop a lifestyle of eating in moderation, making healthy food choices, exercising, we are developing 'muscles' that will last us a lifetime. Losing weight us one thing, keeping it off us another. U don't wanna sprint to the finish line only to collapse later.

These couple if weeks has been a rollercoaster ride for me. Monday I ran 10km but fell down and had to stop midway and wash the wound. I stopped weight training this week because of that. And I ate alot in Tuesdays cooking session at my aunt's place. We made these cakes and muffins plus mee rebus! I put on half a kilo after that!

Today I ran another 7km on the threadmill and totaling up this week so far only 17km. Two exercise sessions this week only . So I'm gonna put more effort into controlling my diet. Tonight's reunion dinner! Pray for me lol

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Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Oh My Goshhhhhh!!!!!! Measurements taken on 20th Jan 2010:

Left Arm 27cm (lost 4cm)
Right Arm 28.3cm (3.2cm)

Right Thigh 55cm ( lost 2cm)
Left Thigh 54.1cm (lost 3.9cm)

Waist 91 cm (lost 7.5cm!)
Hips 105cm

chest 95 cm (lost 4cm!)

Total lost: 24.6cm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Current Weight: 62.9Kg
Total Weight Lost: 4.8Kg in 4 months

Compared with what's taken on 24th Sept 2009:

- Waist 98.5cm ie 38.7inches (!!!!!)
- Right Inner Thigh 57cm ie 22 inches
- Left Inner Thigh 58cm ie 22.8 inches
- Left Arm 31 cm ie 12 inches
- Right Arm 31.5cm 12.4 inches
- Chest 99cm ie 38.9inches

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Documenting the process

I realize I only blog when I have successes but not when I'm on the down in the rollercoaster ride of weight loss... Well, weight loss is not an easy process that we all know. So it's definitely unrealistic to document it that way. It's also inspiring when someone still picks themselves up even after feeling defeated time after time. I said feeling because sometimes it's in your head that u r facing a defeat but in actuality it's not so bad as we imagine it to be. That imagination of ours is so important. We have to imagine ourselves the way we want to be like every single day. Being healthy, happy, feeling free from the bondage of food addiction...

So today is one of those downer days cos I weighed myself and after my bout of flu and cough last week I put on weight... Well yesterday I had laksa which is rich in coconut milk and had kueh lapis which has lots of egg yolk and butter... And we even used more egg yolks then the recipe required! We misread the recipe which required 16 yolks but we used 20!! Plus I had steamboat dinner with the oily chicken rice... Gotta admit it tastes so good..... So yeah it showed up on the scale this morning. But I pulled myself to the gym despite feeling a little disappointed with myself for eating too much yesterday and I tell myself to keep on keeping on. So my trainer told me today that her weight loss took her 1.5years!! From 60+++ I think it was ard 65 to currently 55-57kg. She's really an inspiration because even though it wasn't alot of weight lost, but she really is v v fit now well toned. She comes from a Malay background where she is surrounded by fattening rendang, curries ever single day! And she said she quitter many times but she restarted many times. She'll post up a story of her success soon. Will keep u guys posted and also I'll post some of her before and after pictures for u to see ya? So remember don't give up so easily even when u see the results after going at it for so long!! Have a blessed day!

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Monday, January 18, 2010


First time posting to my blog from my iPhone!! Exciting! I can now update my blog more often, technology is indeed wonderful, if we use it to our advantage, : )

It's been quite a few weeks since my update..... Survived Christmas and new year the festive season's array of chocolates and sinful foods placed at my convenience....I am more determined than ever to get down to my ideal weight. Must say that over the festive season I didn't lose any weight did put on a little weight but lost it again cos I fell sick last week.

I made a healthy lunch today with roasted salmon with brown rice ;) and did weights at the gym with the help of the trainer app in my iPhone.. Cool eh? But I tried the usual weights that I train with Hayati I couldn't lift the barbell back to the holding position, that was scary..